Abamectin |
Insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. Has limited plant systemic activity, but exhibits translaminar movement. Control of motile stages of mites, leaf miners, suckers, Colorado beetles, etc. on ornamentals, cotton, citrus fruit, pome fruit, nut crops, vegetables, potatoes, and other crops. Application rates are 5.6 to 28 g/ha for mite control, 11 to 22 g/ha for control of leaf miners. Also used for control of fire ants. |
Acephate |
For use on beans, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery, cotton, cranberries, head lettuce, mint, peanuts, peppers, tobacco, ornamentals and forests. Asataf* for green and brown leafhopper, brown plant hopper on rice; white aphid on chili, sesamum, and cotton. Orthene* for green and brown leafhopper on rice. |
Chlorpyrifos |
For aphids, ants, armyworm, billbugs, chinch bugs, corn borers, corn earworm, corn rootworm, cotton leafworm, cutworms, flea beetles, grasshoppers, grubs, lesser cornstalk borer, locusts, mole crickets, seedcorn maggot (slurry seed treatment), sowbugs in field crops, forage, nursery crops, ornamentals, vegetables, and dormant application to fruit trees. |
Cypermethrin |
Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Also exhibits anti-feeding action. Good residual activity on treated plants. Control of a wide range of insects, especially Lepidoptera, but also Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, and other classes, in fruit (including citrus), vines, vegetables, potatoes, cucurbits, lettuce, capsicums, tomatoes, cereals, maize, soya beans, cotton, coffee, cocoa, rice, pecans, oilseed rape, beet, ornamentals, forestry, etc. Control of flies and other insects in animal houses; and mosquitoes, cockroaches, houseflies and other insect pests in public health. Also used as an animal ectoparasiticide. |
Imidacloprid |
For control of aphids, Colorado potato beetle, ricehoppers, thrips, whiteflies, and turf and soil insects in cereal, corn, cotton, sorghum, fruit, maize, potatoes, rice, sugarbeets, turf, and vegetables. Acceleron* seed treatment for use on soybeans. CropStar* seed treatment for use on maize. Genesis* XT seed treatment for use on potatoes. |