Pretilachlor |
For control of annual grasses and sedges in transplanted rice. Sofit* contains the safener fenclorim. |
Propanil |
Postemergence with no residual effect against grass and broadleaf weeds in rice. |
Quinclorac |
In transplanted, dry-seeded, water-seeded rice for control of Aeschynomene, Echinochloa, Ipomoea, Sesbania, etc. Postemergent in spring wheat for Setaria; turf for Digitaria sanguinalis, Trifolium, etc. Postemergent chem fallow application for control of Convolvulus arvensis. |
Simazine |
Controls annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in established alfalfa (except U.S.), apples, asparagus, established bermudagrass, caneberries, cherries, citrus, corn, cranberries, grapes, nuts, peaches, pears, ornamental and tree nursery stock, sod production, fairways, lawns, industrial areas. Aquazine* for control of algae in ponds. |
Triasulfuron |
Preemergence in wheat to control broadleaf and grassy weeds; postemergence in wheat, barley, and fallow to control broadleaf weeds. |