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Action / Use
ACTION: Acaricide/Miticide; Insecticide.
USE: For aphids, mites, planthoppers, thrips, whiteflies on alfalfa, apples, corn, cotton, grapefruit, grapes, lemons, melons, oranges, ornamentals, pears, pecans, safflower, sorghum, soybeans, tangerines, tobacco, tomatoes, watermelons, wheat, and other vegetables. Residual wall spray in farm buildings for flies.
FORMULATIONS: Aerosol spray, dust, emulsifiable concentrate, ULV concentrate.
PREMIX PARTNERS: Chlorpyrifos; Cypermethrin; Deltamethrin; Dichlorvos; Dicofol; Endosulfan; Fenitrothion; Fenobucarb; Fenvalerate; Phenthoate; Tetradifon.


COMMON NAME: Dimethoate (ANSI, ISO, BSI, JMAF, ESA); Fosfamid (USSR).


COMPOSITION: O,O-dimethyl S-methylcarbamoylmethyl phosphorodithioate.
CLASS: Organophosphate.
PROPERTIES: White crystalline solid, mercaptan odor. Melting point 45?48℃. Highly soluble in chloroform, methylene chloride, benzene, toluene, alcohols, esters, ketones. Slightly in xylene, carbon tetrachloride, aliphatic hydrocarbons.


Environmental Guidelines

HAZARDS: Fish: LC50 30.2 mg/l (rainbow trout). Bee: LD50 (24 h) 0.12 mg/bee (topical).
WATER SOLUBILITY: 2.5% at 21℃.

Safety Guidelines

TOXICITY: Tech: (Rat): Oral LD50 235 mg/kg. Dermal >400 mg/kg.
HANDLING/STORAGE CAUTIONS: Harmful or fatal if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin. May cause eye irritation. Avoid eye, skin, clothing contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not breathe dust. Use with adequate ventilation. Repeated careless use may cause cholinesterase inhibition. Biological activity remains practically unvaried for 2 years under environmental conditions if stored in unopened, undamaged original containers, in shaded, cool, well-aired places, inaccessible to animals and unauthorized persons. Recommended temperature <25℃. Crystals may form in formulations stored at <0℃. Stable for minimum of 1 year at <25-30℃. Will decompose rapidly when heated to temperatures above 80℃ and explosion may be induced. Never heat above 35℃ and local heating should be avoided. Stack containers to permit air circulation at bottom and inside of piles. Do not contaminate food or feed.