Action / Use ACTION: Herbicide; Plant Growth Regulator. USE: Effective against emerging and young broadleaf and grass weeds as well as mosses. For use on alfalfa, asparagus, citrus, cotton, orchards, sugarcane, wheat, and vineyards. Velpar* AlfaMax* MP for use on alfalfa. FORMULATIONS: Flowable, granule, wettable powder. PREMIX PARTNERS: Ametryn; Amitrole; Bromacil; 2,4-D; Fluometuron; Glyphosate; Hexazinone; Imazapyr; Linuron; MSMA; Oryzalin; Paraquat; Simazine; Sodium Chlorate; Sodium Metaborate; Terbutryn; Thidiazuron.