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Plant Growth Regulator
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Action / Use
USE: Controls most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in corn, dry beans, peanuts, soybeans.
FORMULATIONS: Emusifiable concentrate, granule, microencapsulated.
PREMIX PARTNERS: Atrazine; Oxyfluorfen; Prometryn; Terbuthylazine.


COMMON NAME: Alachlor (ANSI, ISO, BSI, JMAF, WSSA); Alachlore (ISO-F).


COMPOSITION: 2-Chloro-2', 6'-diethyl-N-(methoxymethyl)acetanilide(1).
CLASS: Acetanilide.
PROPERTIES: Tech: Colorless crystals, molecular weight 269.77. Melting point 39.5-41.5℃; specific gravity 1.133 at 25/15.6℃. Soluble in ethyl acetate.

Environmental Guidelines

HAZARDS: Tech: LC50 (48 h) 10 mg/l (Daphnia). INTRRO*: Fish: LC50 (96 h) 3.7 mg/l (rainbow trout), 6.2 mg/l (bluegill sunfish); EC50 (48 h) 22 mg/l (Daphnia). Micro-Tech*: Bird: Oral LD50 >2510 mg/kg (bobwhite quail); Dietary (8 day) LC50 9094 ppm (bobwhite quail, mallard duck).
WATER SOLUBILITY: 242 ppm at 25℃.

Safety Guidelines

TOXICITY: Tech (Rat): Oral LD50 930-1350 mg/kg. (Rabbit) Dermal LD50 13,300 mg/kg. INTRRO* (Rat): Oral LD50 2000 mg/kg; (Rabbit): Dermal LD50 7800 mg/kg. Micro-Tech* (Rat): Oral LD50 >5000 mg/kg. (Rabbit) Dermal LD50 >5000 mg/kg.
HANDLING/STORAGE: Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Wash with plenty of soap and water after handling; keep away from children. Discard, and do not reuse clothing and other absorbent materials that have been drenched or heavily contaminated with concentrate. Store in original container only. Do not contaminate water, seed, or feed by storage or disposal.